Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Tongue Oil – Adding Color and Life to your wood when a stain is too much

My new mantle, with tongue oil
I recently remodeled my fireplace and wanted to install a custom mantle. I found the greatest exotic wood store in my town and chose a piece of Mexican Parota. I asked about staining it and the salesman said the best bet would be to sand it a bit and then oil it.  I asked what oiling it would do and he brought out a spray bottle to show me. 

If you’ve ever seen regular wood get wet and change color, then you know how much more vibrant and alive it can look.  The same wood, when oiled takes on the natural appearance and color of the wood, rather than the dry, dull finish that it may have when sitting on a store shelf.  Essentially, it looks wet, but it isn’t; it’s just “rich.”

As an added bonus, the oil also adds some protection.  One example is my use on this “DREAM” project. 

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